Thursday, August 29, 2019

3 Leading Benefits of Having a Borehole in Your Property

Boreholes are a source of water but their advantages are unknown to a lot of people. A borehole means a deep hole intended to tap a natural resource,  be it water, oil or another liquid. The most common use of boreholes is as a self-sufficient water source. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Why Install A Borehole In Your Property?

A water borehole, also known as waterwell boreholes, is a great way to access natural and pure underground water. It is a small narrow and open shaft that is drilled both vertically and horizontally into the ground to provide access to the water table below. 

5 Tips to Pick the Right Borehole Drilling Company

Bore Hole Cape Town

At present time, more and more people in South Africa really want to become more self-reliant and energy efficient in order to save money as well as to protect the environment. The prime reason behind this is the high cost of energy and water.

Reasons On Why Consider A Borehole?

At present times, the need for fresh water in South Africa has increased beyond freshwater surface water and enters the need for borehole ...